There will be two homework assignments throughout the semester. The focus of the assignments is the material covered in the computer labs and your understanding of Python.
Assignment 1 will be due in week 6, and assignment 2 will be due in week 11. More details with regard to timing are given below.
Academic Honesty
The assignments should be your own work. You may discuss assignments with classmates, but you should do all your own computing and writing of the assignments. It is an offence against the University’s regulations to copy from other students’ assignments.
Assignment 1
Jupyter file
Here is the Jupyter notebook file that contains the assignment exercises:
(coming soon!)
Note: You may only use Python, and you may only use packages and libraries that were used during EMET2007 computer labs!
Submission Instructions
Submit two files on the course’s Wattle site:
a Jupyter notebook file titled
, anda html file titled
(which is created from the Jupyter notebook file)
(Submitting your ipynb-file is an absolutely essential requirement. If for some reason you are unable to create an html-file, then you may submit the ipynb-file only.)
In a few cases, when you upload the your html- and ipynb-files from your computer to Wattle, the file gets corrupted and we are unable to open it for marking. This can happen despite Turnitin’s assurance via a digital receipt that Your submission has successfully uploaded to Turnitin. It is therefore not sufficient to rely on this message.
As part of your submission, we ask you to double check that both files were uploaded properly. You must follow these steps:
go to Wattle where you have uploaded your file
download the file from Wattle back to your own computer, you can find the link near your Turnitin digital receipt, like so:
You might need to scroll a little bit to the right to find the download arrow:
after the download to your own computer, open the file to convince yourself that it does not have any issues
leave plenty of time before the deadline for the possibility that you may encounter a problem at this step; the deadline is inclusive of this crucial step: if you submit a corrupted file we may deduct marks for not following the above steps
Complete your work and submit your solution by the end of week 5.
At the very latest you may submit at 5:00pm (AEDT, local time in Canberra) on Wednesday 26 March. No extensions granted!
Note: The deadline is strict! Submitting one minute past the deadline leads to the same result as submitting 20 minutes past the deadline: a mark of zero for the entire assignment!
Pro tip: Begin your work late in week 4 or early in week 5 and complete/submit your work towards the end of week 5.
Do submit well before the deadline. There is no good reason to leave your work up to the last minute. Don’t leave anything up to chance! Take control, take responsibility, submit early!
Unacceptable attempts to justify late submissions include (and are not limited to):
I was sick on Monday.
I was sick on Tuesday.
I was sick on Wednesday.
I was sick on Thursday.
The internet was down Thursday morning.
We had a power failure Thursday morning.
I thought I submitted but somehow it didn’t work.
My computer broke five minutes before the deadline.
All of these are examples (and there are many more!) of nasty surprises that life sometimes throws at us. You need to factor in the possibility of such nasty surprises happening to you.
Be sure to double check that both files have uploaded properly by following the steps given above. You are expected to double check your files and leave sufficient time for trouble shooting before the deadline.
The detailed breakdown of marks is provided as part of the Jupyter notebook. If the answer to an exercise is only partially correct, a mark of zero may be given.
We reserve the right to subtract off marks for assignment solutions that are not well structured or presented. The maximum mark is 10.
Help and Guidance
We have a strict policy of not offering any help or guidance with regard to the assignment. This includes so-called clarification questions, to which we give no answers.
Do your work based on the information provided here to the best of your abilities and understanding.